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Forest Trees


Agroforestry: The Benefits of Growing Trees on Farms, Wood For The Trees #7

Agroforestry: The Benefits of Growing Trees on Farms, Wood For The Trees #7

Agroforestry, which integrates forestry and farming, can provide multiple benefits, and planting trees on farms could help meet UK tree planting targets. In Wood For The Trees part 7, Tom Barnes of Vastern Timber visits Vallis Veg, a small farm in Somerset, to see how they've benefited from growing trees on the farm. Tom is MD of Vastern Timber, a family owned sawmill specialising in British timber. He's working with film-maker Charly Le Marchant to make a series of short films considering the future of British forests. In this film Tom discusses agroforestry at, a small farm in Frome, Somerset. At Vallis Veg, Chris Smaje and Cordelia Rowlatt, with their team, have planted thousands of trees on their farmland. In less than twenty years, they have established willow to help manage flooding, alder and hazel as wind protection and for firewood, fruit and nut orchards, a market garden, a woodland campsite, and a thriving co-operative forest school based in the newly established woodland. Chris Smaje is author of Small Farm Future, and he writes passionately about farming, politics, social and environmental issues on his very popular blog, Tom talks to Cordelia and Chris about why they chose the trees they planted, and how agroforestry could bring benefits to farming and forestry. Filmed in December 2020, between lockdowns, and within covid safety guidelines, by Charly Le Marchant. A Pocketfull of Acorns Production. #woodforthetrees #forestry #carbonsequestration #agroforestry #treeplanting #vallisveg #smallfarmfuture #localfood #agroecology #edibletreecrops #trees 00:00 Agroforestry: The Benefits of Growing Trees on Farms 01:03 Percentage of agricultural land use in UK, relationship between agriculture and forestry 02:08 Intro Chris Smaje author of Small Farm Future and Cordelia Rowlett Vallis Veg 02:23 Why are trees important in the agricultural landscape? 03:04 Vallis Veg; rethinking the local food system and integrating trees into the landscape 04:10 Shared Earth Learning Coop; education and forest schools 04:29 Chris and Cordelia on Agroforestry at Vallis Veg, practical uses of trees and edible crops 08:48 Can an agroforestry approach help us to meet the governmental targets for tree planting? 09:48 Why is now the time for an agroforestry revolution? Climate Change, Rewilding, Local Food Production 10:43 ELMS (Environmental Land Management Schemes) and local food production 11:36 Hope and fears for UK agroforestry and local food production 12:36 Policy suggestion: Carbon Tax 13:32 Small Farm Future by Chris Smaje 13:50 Summary and lessons learnt
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Sustainable Fibres

Calves & Cow in Pasture


Cornwall's Climate Stories: Food for Thought
Cornwall Climate Care

Cornwall's Climate Stories: Food for Thought

Should we all be giving up meat and dairy if we’re to have a hope of avoiding dangerous climate breakdown? This film looks at the undeniable environmental impacts of modern animal agriculture as well as some of the Cornish initiatives underway to mitigate them – and also the role that some livestock systems could play in actually combating climate change. Our next film, Hungry for Change, will look at other climate issues around food - from food waste and food miles, to how we could make ourselves more locally self sufficient. Seen one of our films? Fill out our survey: WE DEPEND HUGELY ON DONATIONS TO MAKE CORNWALL'S CLIMATE STORIES. IF YOU ENJOYED WATCHING THIS FILM, PLEASE DO CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION: Music by Jenny Bishop - Website - Our films - Film Trailers - Support our work - Get updates on our social media channels Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - LinkedIn -
Henry O'Donnell Farming For Nature Ambassador 2021
Farming for Nature

Henry O'Donnell Farming For Nature Ambassador 2021

Henry O Donnell manages a mixed organic farm in the uplands of north Donegal. The 92-hectare farm is made up of different types of land – lowland pasture, marginal upland and commonage. He runs a flock of 60 horned upland ewes. The sheep enterprise is a low input and low-cost system. Henry also runs a herd of suckler cattle, half continental breeds and half Galloways, producing high quality organic beef. External inputs are extremely low on the farm. Henry has been experimenting with growing red clover swards for winter fodder, as well as multi-species swards for grazing on the lowlands. The animals graze a mixture of diverse vegetation throughout the year as they move from the lowlands to the uplands. Last year Henry moved the Galloways uphill even further to graze the commonage land – “Galloways have done an excellent job on the upland and commonage vegetation as they are non-selective grazers. They have removed a lot of millennia and dead grass, thus improving the biodiversity of the land. They have also improved the grazing for the sheep that are coming after them.” Henry is passionate about the importance of grazing animals in maintaining marginal uplands – through reducing fire risks, maintaining plant diversity and fertilizing the land. “My whole attitude is to try and have a farming system that works for the environment that I’m in…” He is a strong advocate for low-impact, high nature value farming systems and this is reflected in the way in which he runs his own farm in the hills of Donegal.
Anthony Mooney Farming for Nature Ambassador 2021
Farming for Nature

Anthony Mooney Farming for Nature Ambassador 2021

Anthony Mooney from county Kildare runs a 200-acre beef farm with the help of his wife Mary Rose and son Conor. The fertile limestone soil is well suited for growing high quality grass. Anthony runs a herd of between 100-120 cross-bred continental cattle. He keeps a suckler herd of 12 cows and the rest he buys in as weanlings to finish for beef. The grassland has not been reseeded in over 25 years – the permanent pasture contains a diverse range of grasses and flowering plants. Anthony is passionate about biodiversity and nature conservation and this is reflected in his low-impact farming system. Very few external inputs are used on the farm - chemical fertilizer hasn’t been used on the land in over 20 years and very little concentrate meal is fed to the animals. Hay and silage are cut off the land every year for winter feeding. The multi-species hay meadows go to flower in the summer months, providing crucial habitats and food sources for various insects and ground-nesting birds. A wildlife enthusiast for much of his life, Anthony has spent years observing and recording different plant, bird and insect species on the land. Rare plant species recorded on the farm include toothwort, sweet woodruff and wild orchids. “Over the past 2 years I have started targeting specific species on the farm that I thought needed help – birds, mammals, insects and plants. For example, we’ve been focusing on ground nesting birds like skylarks and meadow pipits - I delayed the mowing of a field last summer because there was a nesting skylark in one of the meadows.” There are 2 ponds on the land which create important water habitats for frogs, birds and insects. Trees and hedgerows are also important habitats on the farm – “I’ve put in around 600-700 meters of hedges on the farm. I’ve never taken out a hedge. I manage hedges for biodiversity. They are cut back every 4-5 years to encourage new growth.”
Garden Soil

Soil Health

"Secrets of the Soil Sociobiome" with Dr. Christine Jones (Part 1/4)

"Secrets of the Soil Sociobiome" with Dr. Christine Jones (Part 1/4)

March 30th 2021 Dr. Christine Jones presents "Secrets of the Soil Sociobiome" Links to articles mentioned in the Q&A are found below 1. Re-visioning soil foodwebs Editorial by Mark Bradford, published in the Journal of Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2016). There are 14 other articles linked to this. 2. Techniques for assessing functional diversity in soils can be found in section 1.6 of the following article, entitled 'Microbial Signaling in Plant—Microbe Interactions and Its Role on Sustainability of Agroecosystems' 3. Enhancement of drought tolerance in crops by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria 4. The following article is also illuminating .... Rolfe, S.A, Griffiths, J, Ton, J. (2019). Crying out for help with root exudates: adaptive mechanisms by which stressed plants assemble health-promoting soil microbiomes. Curr Opin Microbiol. 49:73-82. doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2019.10.003. The team at Green Cover not only delivers high quality cover crop seed, but also educational content on topics of soil heath and cover crops. If you love our YouTube content, dive into our other great resources like the Soil Health Resource Guide: At Green Cover, we grow, clean, mix, and deliver the highest quality cover crop seed directly to agricultural producers across the United States. Our faith-based company is built by farmers, family-owned and united in our purpose to help farmers regenerate, steward and share God's creation for future generations. We'd love to provide you with excellent quality seed, expert cover crop advice, and a custom seed blend designed to meet your goals for your field. Contact our expert sales team at (402) 469-6784 or Or visit us online at Build your own custom mix at


Lettuce Farm


Regenerative Agriculture (presentation by author of Regenerative Agriculture)
Richard Perkins

Regenerative Agriculture (presentation by author of Regenerative Agriculture)

Kickstarter Fundraising Weekend: Free mini-training, 4 Fundamentals: Read Regenerative Agriculture: Read Ridgedale Farm Builds (CAD plans for your farm infrastructure): Read Farm, Fish, Hunt, Pick, Bake: $20 Natural Swimming Pool Guide Join the waiting list for the Regenerative Agriculture Masterclass: Buy Market Gardening tools: Buy our caterpillar tunnels: Become a Perkins Insider: Follow me on Instagram: / Follow me on Facebook: / ridgedalefarmab Richard Perkins is a globally recognised leader in the field of Regenerative Agriculture and is the owner of Europe’s foremost example, Ridgedale Farm, Sweden. He is the author of the widely acclaimed manual Regenerative Agriculture, regarded as one of the most comprehensive books in the literature, as well as Ridgedale Farm Builds and Farm,Fish,Hunt,Pick,Bake. His approach to no-dig market gardening and pastured poultry, as well as his integration of Holistic Management, Keyline Design and Farm-Scale Permaculture in profitable small-scale farming has influenced a whole new generation of farmers across the globe. Garnering more than 18 million views on his blog, and teaching thousands globally through his live training at the farm and online, Richard continues to inspire farmers all over the globe with his pragmatic no-nonsense approach to profitable system design.
Richard Perkins


Kickstarter Fundraising Weekend: Free mini-training, 4 Fundamentals: Read Regenerative Agriculture: Read Ridgedale Farm Builds (CAD plans for your farm infrastructure): Read Farm, Fish, Hunt, Pick, Bake: $20 Natural Swimming Pool Guide Join the waiting list for the Regenerative Agriculture Masterclass: Buy Market Gardening tools: Buy our caterpillar tunnels: Become a Perkins Insider: Follow me on Instagram: / Follow me on Facebook: / ridgedalefarmab Richard Perkins is a globally recognised leader in the field of Regenerative Agriculture and is the owner of Europe’s foremost example, Ridgedale Farm, Sweden. He is the author of the widely acclaimed manual Regenerative Agriculture, regarded as one of the most comprehensive books in the literature, as well as Ridgedale Farm Builds and Farm,Fish,Hunt,Pick,Bake. His approach to no-dig market gardening and pastured poultry, as well as his integration of Holistic Management, Keyline Design and Farm-Scale Permaculture in profitable small-scale farming has influenced a whole new generation of farmers across the globe. Garnering more than 18 million views on his blog, and teaching thousands globally through his live training at the farm and online, Richard continues to inspire farmers all over the globe with his pragmatic no-nonsense approach to profitable system design.
The Ridgedale No-Dig method
Richard Perkins

The Ridgedale No-Dig method

Kickstarter Fundraising Weekend: Free mini-training, 4 Fundamentals: Read Regenerative Agriculture: Read Ridgedale Farm Builds (CAD plans for your farm infrastructure): Read Farm, Fish, Hunt, Pick, Bake: $20 Natural Swimming Pool Guide Join the waiting list for the Regenerative Agriculture Masterclass: Buy Market Gardening tools: Buy our caterpillar tunnels: Become a Perkins Insider: Follow me on Instagram: / Follow me on Facebook: / ridgedalefarmab Richard Perkins is a globally recognised leader in the field of Regenerative Agriculture and is the owner of Europe’s foremost example, Ridgedale Farm, Sweden. He is the author of the widely acclaimed manual Regenerative Agriculture, regarded as one of the most comprehensive books in the literature, as well as Ridgedale Farm Builds and Farm,Fish,Hunt,Pick,Bake. His approach to no-dig market gardening and pastured poultry, as well as his integration of Holistic Management, Keyline Design and Farm-Scale Permaculture in profitable small-scale farming has influenced a whole new generation of farmers across the globe. Garnering more than 18 million views on his blog, and teaching thousands globally through his live training at the farm and online, Richard continues to inspire farmers all over the globe with his pragmatic no-nonsense approach to profitable system design.
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Composting & Microbes

Compost on a large scale: Regenerating 1000 acres: With Cory Miller and Kevin Lackey
People of the plants

Compost on a large scale: Regenerating 1000 acres: With Cory Miller and Kevin Lackey

My family and I have spent a year traveling western America visiting regenerative farms. Serendipity took us to Grass valley farm. A happy accident when the farm we were due to visit cancelled at the last minute. Grass Valley farm used to be farmed with synthetic chemicals and has managed to go fully regenerative in a year. I was blown away by Cory’s knowledge, processes and the flourishing diversity on the1000 acres ranch. So I got it all on camera, now you can learn from them too and see it for yourself. This film is a micro documentary/ ‘how to’ for any farmer looking to transition to regenerative farming. It is also for curious minds coming to soil regeneration without prior knowledge. Spread the word, degenerating land can become regenerating land using resources we already have. If the world’s existing agricultural land was to convert to regenerative agriculture today, increasing the soil organic matter in the soil by an average of 0.5% to 1% a year, theoretically, we could sequester all the excess carbon in the atmosphere within a year *(Stat: Kiss the ground). Call to action: Read: ‘Dirt to Soil: One Family’s Journey into regenerative agriculture’ by Gabe Brown, ‘Regenerative’ by Paul Hawkins. Watch: Kiss the ground, Living Soil, The need to grow, Farmer’s footprint, The biggest little farm. Lecture: By Dr David Johnson. Static Pile Fungal Compost Presentation Study online: The commune courses: ‘Kiss the ground’ with Finian Makepeace and ‘Regeneration’ with Paul Hawkins Become an advocate: Kiss the Ground. Become a soil specialist: Soil food Web, Soil Health Academy Transition from chemical ag to regenerative ag: Soil food Web, Soil Health Academy Equipment Links: The Bio 5 Extractor: Esch 5612 No Till Drill: Agri-Inject Inc CO Pivot Injection Pumps: Schaffert Manufacturing: Liquid Drill Injection System: Vence: Virtual Fencing About Cory Miller: I grew up in the city of Missoula with a small garden where I helped my mother grow flowers. My interest in gardening waned, as I discovered sports. In high school, I volunteered to build a garden for a group home that housed disabled adults. One of the greatest moments in my life was being invited back that fall for a dinner prepared from everything we planted. I went to college to study business and simultaneously started a commercial cleaning company. I spent a lot of my time making natural cleaning products, that I could use in the business and developed an interest in chemistry and biology. Later on, I focused my efforts into Pure Air Solutions, a mold remediation company that focused on removing mold and other microbials. As I studied molds and their affect on indoor air quality, I started to see that there were far more beneficial fungi than bad fungi and that fungi held a lot of the keys to soil health and improvement. I studied with Dr. Elaine Ingham and read Dr. David Johnson. I immersed myself in learning everything that I could about soil health and how to implement these theories. I quickly learned that there was not a lot of information or tools available to someone wanting to scale 1000 acres quickly to regenerative agriculture. I made soil health our focus, developing tools to help us effectively add biology to our soil, as often as possible. Every decision we make on the farm has to answer this question, "Does this improve the overall quality quality of our soil."  If it does we keep it, if it doesn't then we move on.  Cory's soil sample mentor: About Kevin Lackey: Kevin lives by the words “Become the most interesting person you have ever met.”A trained biologist and career conservation. Who packed in his land based conservation to set out to sea on a research vessel. He’s meant to have retired but he is on to his next adventure; the microbe and cattle operations manager at Grass Valley Farm. As an extra twist, Kevin is Cory’s father in law. About Jennifer at Millay and Meadowlark Flower Farm is a labor of love. Established in 2019, our business was conceived as a means of creating meaningful and engaging work for our son, Connor who has down syndrome. We are committed to providing Connor with opportunities to maintain and learn new life skills and for him to be a vibrant contributor and member of our community. We are also committed to the use of regenerative and sustainable growing practices on our farm. We grow without the use of harsh chemicals or pesticides. We subscribe to a "grown not flown" philosophy in that we try to locally source our inputs and keep our products local too!
Tractor Wheels

Learning from the past


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Cornwall's Climate Stories: Food for Thought
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(short for Growing Innovation Network)

A Food, Farming & Countryside Commission project funded by The Aurora Trust

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