Looks like a good Agrisearch webinar coming up tonight on control of leatherjackets in grasslands. Quite a big problem i some of our pastures here. And one field really struggling as a result with poor spring growth and lots of ripped out grass from rooks and badgers scavenging form them. They in themselves are i guess a good cultural control but bring their fair share of pasture damage too. Assuming its just a symptom of an old pasture and unhealthy soil, but be great to hear how people are approaching dealing with them?

Does anyone have experience with using nematodes for controlling leatherjackets?
I appreciate it may not be a cost-effective control on grassland but I have recently converted some grass into veg production and there is a large resident population of leatherjackets I need to remove.
My gosh that does look quite a concentration of them!
I watched it last night. Was very interesting to hear their research. I had a big problem with it a couple of years ago in my polytunnel. Some pots had 6/7 in them. At that time I didn’t know what they where so I chucked them into the field 🙈😱 I wondered if they where more attracted to open bare soil