Where do people go for lab analysis of soils, slurry and saps in NI? Our soils currently via Yara to Lancrop in England but was wondering if there is more local capability to work with? Also neighbour has just had to send their slurry to England for analysis and I know saps have to go to Netherlands I think. Interested because of the image below from Niels Corfield which explains why sodium and sulphur is extremely low in our pastures...

We have a common issue of low sodium and sulphur in our grazing fields which is affecting palatability and probably a result of long term dock problem. Have heard of people spreading sea water as an electrolyte at approx 40l/ha and was wondering if anyone knows anyone who has done this or how else you'd correct this?
We are in an environmental BDG and they use NRM laboratories for soil and slurry analysis
NRM Labs is a big outfit that both Fieldfare Ecology and Ulster Wildlife use - Michael mentioned today they've been buying up a lot of smaller labs. If there's a gap in the market for local soil sampling, I can spy an additional competitive opportunity which is to supply data in spreadsheet format. NRM data is buried in pdfs which is unworkable for soil sampling contracts that require mapping or analysis of dozens of farms.